Our modern lifestyle keeps us hustling, creating, building, DOING at an unprecedented pace. And although there has never been a more exciting time to be alive in terms of innovation, all of this DOING is leaving us disconnected.

Disconnected from our bodies, from our spirit, from our authentic selves and from each other. There is limitless wisdom and healing gathered over millennia from the great sages and healers that have come before us... we need only to get quiet, tap in, and harness it.

We promote functional health... functional movement, and functional medicine.

For centuries tried and true primal methods of optimizing the human body have served us well and led to happiness, vitality and self sufficiency. As our lifestyle has moved to favor short term efficiency...productivity without movement, health in a capsule, we have lost touch with our body's innate healing power, making us reliant on external quick fixes that merely alleviate symptoms at best, and spin off new imbalances at worst.

  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a potent adaptogenic herb, often referred to as “Ayurvedic Ginseng” or “Indian Ginseng” due to its origin in traditional Indian medicine. For centuries, it has been used to combat fatigue and burnout, as well as to support the immune system, believed to impart additional life force or chi to those in need.

    The primary bioactive compounds in ashwagandha are withanolides, with scientists also identifying alkaloids and other constituents that offer therapeutic benefits. Among these, Withaferin A is the most extensively studied compound found in Ashwagandha root.

    Known to:

    • Promote optimal brain and nervous system function

    • Boost memory and cognitive abilities

    • Enhance stress management through balanced cortisol levels

    • Alleviate stress and anxiety

    • Exhibit anti-inflammatory properties

    • Encourage restful sleep

    • Maintain healthy thyroid function

  • Historically, Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) has been employed to treat ailments ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular health. It has also been utilized to support kidney function, aid digestion, and promote wound healing. With its adaptogenic properties, Astragalus is particularly beneficial during periods of stress, whether caused by mental strain, emotional turmoil, illness, infection, or exposure to environmental toxins.

    Key constituents of Astragalus include polysaccharides, triterpenoid saponins, and flavonoids. Notably, astragalosides and polysaccharides, prominent saponins, are extensively studied for their potential to combat oxidative stress and bolster the immune system's resilience.

    Known To:

    • Promote a robust immune response

    • Maintain optimal kidney function

    • Foster cardiovascular health

    • Aid in managing seasonal stress

    • Support healthy aging

    • Sustain a balanced nervous system

  • California Poppy is recognized for its mild pain-relieving properties and its ability to promote restful sleep. Traditionally, it has been used to alleviate feelings of stress and encourage relaxation, often brewed into teas or tinctures for this purpose. California Poppy was prized for its ability to calm the mind, soothe frazzled nerves, and restore balance to the body. Additionally, extracts of this vibrant yellow-orange flower are utilized topically as a poultice to ease discomfort.

    Scientists have identified phytochemicals in California Poppy known as alkaloids, such as protopine and allocryptopine, which interact with GABA receptors in the nervous system. These compounds support the body’s natural ability to alleviate nervous tension and promote restful sleep.

    Known To:

    • Promote occasional anxiety relief

    • Foster relaxation and enhance healthy sleep

  • annabidiol (CBD) is extracted as a liquid from hemp leaves and buds, processed into a supplement known for its diverse health benefits. CBD products derived from whole or full-plant hemp extracts contain numerous naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Those sourced from organically grown hemp are renowned for their superior quality and enhanced health benefits.

    Cannabinoids are active compounds found in the hemp plant that can be isolated and extracted. Most cannabinoids do not induce a high. Over 60 unique cannabinoids have been identified by scientists in hemp, with CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, and THC being the most commonly isolated. THC is known for its psychoactive effects, while CBN exhibits mild psychoactivity, though weaker than THC.

    Known For:

    • Non-psychoactive

    • Antioxidant properties

    • Anti-inflammatory benefits

    • Alleviates nausea and vomiting

    • Supports brain health

    • Potential to reduce seizures/convulsions

    • Alleviates feelings of anxiety

    • Promotes restful sleep

    • May alleviate pain

    • Supports cancer treatment

  • Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), also called German Chamomile, is an Asteraceae family herb native to Europe and Western Asia, now globally cultivated. Its daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers have been used for millennia by Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks to alleviate anxiety and aid digestion.

    Chamomile supports gastrointestinal health by maintaining mucosal integrity and aiding digestion, easing issues like upset stomach, heartburn, and nausea. Its flowers contain essential oils, flavonoids, and terpenoids like α-bisabolol and apigenin, with anti-inflammatory properties attributed to chamazulene found in its essential oil.

    Known To:

    • Promote relaxation and maintain a healthy response in the nervous system

    • Aid in maintaining healthy digestion and intestinal movement

    • Support the integrity of the intestinal lining

    • Facilitate the body's natural mechanisms for skin tissue repair

    • Promote relaxation and aid in maintaining healthy sleep patterns

    • Support a balanced menstrual cycle

  • Colloidal silver has been relied upon for centuries due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. It effectively combats a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and more. Additionally, colloidal silver supports the immune system during battles against common ailments like colds and flu.

    When used as directed, true colloidal silver is safe and non-toxic, with no known drug interactions. It is suitable for both children and adults, with dosage and frequency tailored to individual immune system needs.

    Known For:

    • Antiviral properties

    • Antifungal properties

    • Antiparasitic effects

    • Broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity

  • Dandelion has been integral to traditional medicine practices in Russia, India, China, Turkey, North America, and Mexico for centuries. The roots are often dried and roasted to brew tea or used as a coffee substitute. Traditional uses of Dandelion root encompass liver health and detoxification, digestive support, management of skin conditions, and as a natural diuretic.

    Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, Dandelion root contains specific bioactive compounds such as taraxasterol, taraxacin, inulin (a prebiotic), and sesquiterpene lactones. These constituents are renowned for their antioxidant properties and their ability to support healthy liver function.

    Known To:

    • Promote optimal liver function

    • Assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels

    • Support kidney health and urinary function

  • Echinacea has been utilized by Native Americans for centuries due to its immune-boosting properties and therapeutic uses. Early settlers in the United States quickly embraced it as a household remedy for colds and influenza, cementing its role as a staple herb in American traditional medicine.

    Echinacea contains a variety of beneficial compounds known for their health-promoting effects. Key constituents include alkyl amides, caffeic acid derivatives (such as cinchonic acid), polysaccharides, polyacetylenes, and flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol.

    Known To:

    • Promote respiratory health

    • Assist in managing seasonal stressors

    • Enhance immune function

    • Alleviate occasional anxiety

  • Elderberry provides robust immune system support against influenza, colds, and other common illnesses. It offers significant benefits for both prevention and during illness.

    Dosage and frequency may vary depending on individual immune system needs.

    This tincture is crafted with elderberry, reishi mushroom, honeysuckle, ginger, cinnamon, lemon peel, and honey.

    Known For:

    • Antiviral

    • Antibacterial

    • Antioxidant

    • Anti-inflammatory

    • Immune stimulant/modulator

  • Irish Moss Thallus Powder, derived from the Chondrus crispus seaweed, is renowned for its versatile health benefits. Traditionally used in Irish and Caribbean cuisine for its thickening properties in soups and desserts, this nutrient-rich powder offers more than culinary appeal.

    Packed with essential minerals like iodine, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, Irish Moss supports thyroid function, promotes bone health, and aids in maintaining electrolyte balance. Its mucilaginous nature also supports digestive health by soothing the gastrointestinal tract and promoting regular bowel movements.

    Known To:

    • Support thyroid function

    • Promote bone health

    • Aid in maintaining electrolyte balance

    • Support digestive health by soothing the gastrointestinal tract

    • Promote regular bowel movements

  • Kava has long been prized for its calming effects. Traditionally used to alleviate anxiety, stress, and nervousness, it promotes a sense of tranquility and emotional well-being. In Pacific Island medicine, Kava serves as a natural sleep aid. Traditional healers also employ Kava to relieve physical discomfort such as muscle tension, headaches, and menstrual cramps. In Traditional Polynesian Medicine, Kava supports digestive health and alleviates gastrointestinal discomfort.

    Kava root contains 6-styryl-4-methoxy-alpha-pyrone derivatives known as kava pyrones or kava lactones (typically 5% to 9%, depending on geographic origin), which include kavain (or kawain), dihydrokavain (DHK), methysticin, dihydromethysticin (DHM), yangonin, and desmethoxyyangonin, along with flavonoids (flavokavains).

    Known To:

    • Promote relaxation during occasional anxiety

    • Support restful sleep and alleviate occasional, mild sleeplessness

    • Enhance overall feelings of well-being

  • Milk Thistle has a deep-rooted history in traditional medicine, particularly within European and Mediterranean cultures. It was primarily employed to maintain liver and gallbladder health and as a detoxifying agent, believed to aid the body's natural detox processes.

    The key components of Milk Thistle are silymarins, a complex of plant compounds found in standardized extracts from its seeds. Among these, silybin (or silibinin) is the most extensively researched active constituent. Additionally, Milk Thistle contains flavonoids and other beneficial bioactive compounds.

    Known To:

    • Offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

    • Safeguard the liver against toxins by bolstering normal cellular defenses

    • Promote optimal liver health

    • Assist in maintaining regular bile secretion and flow

    • Support cognitive health as the body matures

  • Moringa is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that belongs to the Moringaceae family. It thrives in tropical and subtropical climates and is cultivated for its leaves, seeds, flowers, and pods, all of which are rich in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds.

    Historically, Moringa has been used to treat a variety of ailments ranging from digestive disorders to skin infections. Today, its leaves, seeds, and oil are utilized in supplements, teas, and skincare products for their health-promoting benefits. Research continues to explore its potential in managing chronic diseases, enhancing nutritional status, and supporting overall well-being.

    Known To:

    • Support immune function

    • Boost energy levels

    • Promote healthy digestion and gut health

    • Help lower blood sugar levels

    • Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress

    • Contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

  • Reishi mushroom has been esteemed in China for millennia, featured prominently in Chinese art and integral to traditional Chinese medicine. Today, it is extensively cultivated using wood log methods in shaded environments.

    Scientific exploration of Reishi's active compounds commenced in the 1970s in China and Japan, revealing potent beta-(1>3)-glucans that enhance innate immunity by activating immune cells. Researchers also identified significant quantities of triterpenoids, distinguishing Reishi from other medicinal mushrooms.

    Known To:

    • Support antioxidant function

    • Act as an antihistamine

    • Exhibit antimicrobial properties

    • Functions as an adaptogen

    • Support liver detoxification

    • Enhance and modulate the immune response

  • Schisandra is primarily recognized for its role in enhancing liver function and supporting adrenal gland health. Additionally, Schisandra is known to bolster resilience against stress and disease, increase energy levels, and enhance physical performance and endurance.

    The active components of Schisandra include dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans such as deoxyschisandrin, gomisin N, gomisin A, schisandrin, and wuweizisu, alongside other bioactive substances. These constituents work together synergistically to deliver the plant’s medicinal benefits, which encompass adaptogenic properties, liver protection, antioxidant effects, and potentially other health-promoting actions.

    Known To:

    • Support antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity

    • Maintain normal memory and brain function

    • Enhance healthy energy levels and stamina

    • Promote balance within the female hormonal system

  • Valerian has been employed medicinally since ancient Greek and Roman times. Its use expanded across Europe during the 17th century to address issues such as insomnia, nervous anxiety, trembling, nervousness, heart palpitations, and headaches.

    Key constituents of Valerian include valerenic acid, iridoids, lignans, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, and chlorogenic acid. Valerian is believed to function by elevating gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels, a neurotransmitter crucial for regulating nerve impulses in the brain and nervous system, thereby inducing a calming effect.

    Known To:

    • Alleviate occasional mild sleeplessness

    • Mitigate the impact of stress on the nervous system